Backend Integration

Integrating your backend system using our APIs is an option. These features can be built via backend integration:
  • WebHooks: Verify the state of a transaction independently from your application.
  • Register transactions: Transactions can be initiated from your backend, but need to be executed from your application.
  • Query transactions: Retrieve transaction information using the transaction identifier.
  • Refund transactions: Perform card-present and card-not-present refunds.
  • Issue receipts: Issue custom merchant and customer receipts, and refund receipts.

Versioning and Backward Compatibility

The API endpoints are versioned via the URL itself. This makes it easy for you to access the right version of the API.
The following changes are considered backward compatible for existing endpoints:
  • Adding new endpoints
  • Adding properties for existing responses
  • Changing the order or properties for existing responses
  • Adding optional parameters for existing requests
Make sure to ignore unknown properties or additional headers when you parse a response or webhook.