Printing Preformatted Receipts
Starting from SDK version 2.41, you now have access to preformatted receipts that represent the required receipt information format. Preformatted receipts can be printed immediately without additional formatting. The preformatted receipts are flexible to be adjusted according to your printer's character limit for each line.
Setting Preformatted Receipts Line Limit
In order to define the maximum characters of each line of preformatted receipts, do the following assignment:
provider.maxReceiptLineLength = 40;
Note that
is just an example value. The actual value depends on your printer's limit that it can print on its paper. Longer lines will be wrapped to their respective next lines in the returned output.
Printing Preformatted Receipts
After you have defined the maximum line length of your preformatted receipts, you can simply print them for both customer receipt and merchant receipt by calling
. The call returns a list of strings which you can loop through to easily print out.
NSLog(@"Merchant Receipt"); for (NSString *line in transaction.merchantReceipt.lines) { NSLog(@"%@", line); } NSLog(@"Customer Receipt"); for (NSString *line in transaction.customerReceipt.lines) { NSLog(@"%@", line); }
Printing Preformatted Receipts
Starting from SDK version 2.50, you can access preformatted receipts that represent the required receipt information format. Preformatted receipts can be printed immediately without additional formatting. The preformatted receipts are flexible to be adjusted according to your printer's character limit for each line.
Setting Preformatted Receipts Line Limit
In order to define the maximum characters of each line of preformatted receipts, do the following method:
Note that
is just an example value. The actual value depends on your printer's limit that it can print on its paper. Longer lines will be wrapped to their respective next lines in the returned output.
Printing Preformatted Receipts
After you have defined the maximum line length of your preformatted receipts, you can simply print them for both customer receipt and merchant receipt by calling
. The method returns a list of strings that you can loop through to easily print out.
TransactionProcess paymentProcess = transactionProvider.startTransaction(transactionParameters, accessoryParameters, new TransactionProcessWithRegistrationListener() { @Override public void onCompleted(TransactionProcess process, Transaction transaction, TransactionProcessDetails processDetails) { // For merchant Receipt Receipt merchantReceipt = transaction.getMerchantReceipt(); System.out.println("Merchant Receipt"); for (String line : merchantReceipt.getLines()) { System.out.println(line); } // For customer Receipt Receipt customerReceipt = transaction.getCustomerReceipt(); System.out.println("Customer Receipt"); for (String line : customerReceipt.getLines()) { System.out.println(line); } } } );